Crafting a Resilient Sustainability Strategy for 2025

Surviving and Thriving Amid Sustainability Challenges

Sustainability in 2025 is anything but smooth sailing. The new administration has rolled back key climate policies, promoting oil and gas drilling and revoking clean technology goals. Many companies have also dialed back diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) strategies, while "greenhushing"—staying silent about sustainability initiatives—has become common. Meanwhile, evolving climate disclosure mandates from regions like the EU, China, and California are creating a whirlwind of uncertainty for businesses.

Why Your 2025 Sustainability Strategy Can’t Wait

In this turbulent landscape, it’s time to unveil a new framework for sustainability strategy. After interviewing over three dozen chief sustainability officers and facilitating group discussions with sustainability professionals, one thing is clear: companies that practice Sustainability Tension Management (STM)—strategically balancing profit, planet, and people—are thriving despite the challenges.

Balancing Profit, Planet, and People: The STM Approach

STM empowers companies to make strategic decisions that navigate conflicting priorities. Companies that implement STM effectively are:

  • 83% more likely to succeed in sustainable innovation and product development.

  • 44% more likely to reduce energy consumption.

  • 40% more likely to excel in responsible supply chain management.

5 Essential Steps for a Winning Sustainability Plan

Step 1: Build Buy-In for Sustainability

Identify key stakeholders essential for sustainability buy-in. Refine the roles of the Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) and their team to integrate sustainability as a business imperative that drives profitability.

Step 2: Discover Your Company’s Sustainability Personality

Understand the company’s sustainability archetypes—assumptions held by the C-suite, board, and employees. Companies often align with multiple archetypes:

Corporate Sustainability Archetypes

Step 3: Answering the Key Questions Behind Every Great Strategy

Develop the sustainability strategy by answering critical questions:

  • How important is it for the company to be seen as a good sustainability actor?

  • Can the company profitably meet unmet needs with sustainable solutions?

  • What emerging trends could pose risks?

Step 4: Selling the Value of Sustainability Internally

Tailor the value proposition of sustainability based on the company’s archetypes. Avoid generic business cases and present a case that resonates with internal stakeholders.

Step 5: Create Flexible Plans for Fast Sustainability Success

Develop adaptive action plans that allow the organization to "fail fast"—testing, learning, and improving quickly to scale up successful initiatives.


Mastering sustainability tension management can help businesses navigate the current challenges and emerge stronger. By adopting these strategic steps, companies can build resilience, drive innovation, and create meaningful impact in 2025 and beyond.

Ready to thrive? Start crafting your company’s winning sustainability strategy today!


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